3 in 1 Caapi & Viridis Essence.
3 in 1 Caapi & Viridis Essence.
3 in 1 Caapi & Viridis Essence is produced from the finest Caapi vine, Caapi Leaves and Viridis leaves in West Africa.
It contains 99% Alkaloids and 14.5% Alcohol per bottle. This quality product comes in 3 50mL droppers and goes for an affordable 129.95$ for 3 droppers.
How to buy our products:
Contact us by mail. madoe@bulkafricantrade.de and let us know what you like to buy
Before buying this item, please make sure that IT IS LEGAL in YOUR country and/or state! By buying this product, you confirm that it is legal for you to buy, use or receive where you live. We cannot check each customer's country laws concerning importing botanical/natural products - so, we cannot give any guarantee on our products when they get confiscated by customs, etc. unfortunately. Thanks for your understanding